Privacy of our visitors and customers is a top priority for me. Your security online is very important to us. Please read our privacy statement below.

We collect information about you.

It is important to us that you know the information we gather from you when you use our website. The information we collect could include your Email, Name or Business Name, Street address, Postcode, City, Country and telephone number. We collect data on our website in various ways. We firstly, we employ the cookies needed to collect and combine information that isn\’t personal to you. Personal identifiable information refers to information that you can only access such as your credit card number or bank account number. The information you provide is unique to you.

Information and the use of it

If you do not enter information more than times, you will make it easier to navigate this site.

Find services, products and information quickly.

Help us develop the content you find most interesting on this website.

We notify you of any new products, services or information we provide.

Registration and Ordering:

When you sign up, we\’ll ask for your credit card details such as name, billing address, delivery address, number, email, and other details. We may ask you to give us your country of residence so that we can comply with laws and regulations. Additionally, you may be asked for your gender. These types are used for billing, fulfilling your orders, communicating with you about your purchase and the site and also to conduct internal marketing. We can utilize your personal data to contact you if there\’s a problem while processing your orders.

Email Addresses

When you sign up, you\’ll be able to place an order, and you will receive promotional notices; we notify you whenever we get a new brand, or new product style; to get there great offers, you simply sign up to our email newsletter. Signing up for our newsletter by email is the most effective method to receive great deals.

3. Privacy and Security

We do not share or rent any information that could identify you to another firm in the normal course of our business. We use the latest in encryption technology. Additionally, all employees we employ must sign confidentiality agreements which prohibits them from divulging any information that employees have access to other individuals or entities.

What kind of email should I send to my customer?

We send emails to our customers. This content could include following:

Weekly deal, Transaction mail Promotion and Activity.

Newsletters as well as Email Promotions:

Email is how we send out announcements, news, and other information with our members. If you don\’t want to receive the messages you can click the \”unsubscribe\” button at the end of each email.

How can I unsubscribe from the newsletter?

Unsubscribe from emails by clicking the link from any email newsletter or from your personal subscribe settings after you have being logged in.